Minimalise Financial Trauma

Death can cause not only stress but also some financial problems. Family members of the deceased are regularly compelled to handle crucial financial decisions so as funeral arrangements which can become quite stressful at an already hard time.

However, you can make things easier for your family if you get everything in order now. 

It’s about making important financial preparations to lessen the impact when it happens.

By keeping that in mind, take a look at things you can do to make things a lot easier.

Here’s what you should consider:

A pre-paid funeral Plan

A pre-paid plan funeral plan allows you to pay for your funeral in advance, either in a lump sum or in monthly instalments. You can also clearly document your funeral wishes.

If you were in charge of planning your own funeral, what would you want it to be like?

Funeral costs are rising at a shocking rate – and people’s loved ones could be left to shoulder the bill.

Almost 12% of families experience significant financial problems when having to pay for their loved ones’ funeral costs. They are forced to use savings, credits cards or even take out loans, sell belongings or borrow money from friends to pay the funeral costs.

A pre-paid funeral plan freezes the costs at today’s prices.

By pre-paying for a funeral plan you can put all worry to one side and remove unnecessary stress for you and your family. 

Becoming An Organ Donor

Organ donation is a precious gift. This amazingly generous act saves thousands of lives in the UK every day. 

In fact, the number of donors has been steadily increasing year-on-year since 2015 and despite regional differences and differences in timelines across the UK, the move towards an ‘opt-out’ system across the UK has resulted in  ”more donors than ever before (1,600 in 2019).” – NHS Blood & Transplant Service

If you needed an organ transplant would you have one?

It can be tough to discuss your organ donation decision with your loved ones but this conversation can make a life-changing world of difference to the lives of others who are on the waiting list for transplants. 

Find Out More Here

Burial/ Cremation Or Alternative Burial

From Greek monumental earth mounds to Sumerians buried in tombs made of brick or stone, the ancient world is full of examples of funeral customs that seem strange today. However, due to space constraints, modern people have to find new ways to deal with the dead.

A 2013 survey indicated, nearly half of England’s cemeteries could run out of space within the next 20 years.

Nowadays, alternative funerals & unusual customs are a growing trend.

An alternative funeral is anything considered a non-traditional celebration of someone’s life.

Click here to find out some of the most popular choices.

Decide What Happens After You Die

Life expectancy in Britain was below 39 years in 1765, and over the course of the next two and a half centuries, it is expected to have increased by more than double, reaching 81.1 by 2020.

While we are now living longer than ever it’s important to consider future planning now.

There are certain things you can do to sort your legal affairs which may make a difference. 

  • Power of attorney – You may want to set up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). This lets you appoint someone you trust as an ‘attorney’ to make decisions for you when you’re no longer able to do so. 

Read More: ‘Power Of Attorney – How To Get Started’

  • Make a will – If you don’t have a will, set one up as soon as possible. And if you do, check it to make sure it still reflects your wishes.
  • End of life planningIf you are 18 or older you have the option of making what is known as an advance decision. You can refuse particular medical treatments for a time in the future when you may be unable to make such a decision. You can refuse a treatment that could potentially keep you alive such as ventilation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

If you decide to refuse life-sustaining treatment in the future, your advance decision needs to be:

  • written down
  • signed by you
  • signed by a witness

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Digital Assets

In today’s world, almost everyone is active online. We store our precious pictures, videos in the cloud and have an array of digital accounts. Digital Assets are becoming a very important part of our lives.

 ”By 2100 there could be 4.9bn dead users on Facebook”! – Guardian

Have you ever considered what will happen to your Facebook account, emails & pictures after you are gone or become incapacitated?

Who will be able to access these sentimental ‘digital assets’?

If you have a lot of personal items stored online it may be worth thinking about what you want to be done with it.

Find Out More Here

Talking about death and dying it’s not the most pleasant subject but it’s necessary. It’s crucial to discuss this while we have our mental and physical faculties. It will make things easier for both the dying and the living when ‘the time comes’.

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